Counting Coins – Money Games

I love incorporating games into my math units. It makes learning more fun and engaging.
Here is the newest addition to my Money unit: Counting Coins – Money Games.

These Money games will make  students identify, compare and add the value of coins. Include them in your math center and give your students a variety of options to practice their money skills.

There are 3 different sets of cards bundled in this packet.

Money Games and Activities for Elementary Students

Coins War Game: 

This is same as traditional card game “War”. Instead of comparing numbers, players count the value of coins on their cards and the player with the largest amount of money wins the hand.

This set has 52 cards showing the Penny,  Nickel, Dime and Quarter with values upto $1.
Playing instructions are included.


Kids are always fascinated by coins! They acquire a basic understanding of money before being exposed to it in Kindergarten or Grade 1. This is a valuable life skill and contribute towards a future financial success.

Kids enjoy learning about money and are always motivated. Typically, the topic starts with identifying coins and gradually moves over to counting money.

Money Worksheets and Activities

My money packet focuses on:
  1. Learning different types of coins, one at a time.
  2. Identifying the Names and Value of Coins (Penny, Nickel, Dime and Quarter).
  3. Count and find the value of same type of coins (Skip Count).
  4. Sorting of coins based on their value.
  5. Count and find the value of diverse set of coins. 
Coins Worksheets

You can buy this Money Packet from HERE.

As a prerequisite, the money topic requires a good knowledge of number sense.

Money Song and Rhyme

This is one of my favorite rhyme to go with Money unit.

Penny, penny, easily spent –
Copper brown and worth one cent.

Nickel, Nickel, thick and fat.
It’s worth 5 cents – I know that.

Dime, dime, little and thin.
I remember – you’re worth 10.

Quarter, quarter, big and bold.
It’s worth 25 – I am told!

Money Posters - FREE

Here are some visuals to brighten up your math wall. These 4 money posters show a Penny, Nickel, Dime, and Quarter. Download these for FREE from HERE!

Free Money Posters to use in your classroom
Free Coin Posters - U.S. Coins

Happy Teaching!
